Monday, 23 March 2009


One of my biggest inspirations is adverts that you see in magazines or papers or even billboards. Without adverts how would we know what the latest fashions are or the newest perfumes. Adverts are used to promote a company and product, there designed to be dreamy and tasteful or eyecatching an inspiring.

i collected this advert promoting Secret Obsession perfume, which is cleverly done it is designed to catch both men an women target audience. The women are inspired by the fact that they could too feel like that woman alive an vibrant and the men are attracted by the fact that there girlfriends could too look like that woman confident and alive. I like the advert because of the contrast in colour, they have used a soft black and white photo against a strong brown colour but in my opinion works well and makes the promotional product stand out how it should.

This is a simular advert, which is also promoting perfume the difference this time is that this company has used a famous star to help in there promotions. The bonus in using stars in promotions is that audiences that are big fans of Liv Tyler will automatically go out and buy the product just because Liv Tyler featured using it they feel that if the star uses the product then it must be good and maybe they too can be like her.

This advert is promoting Warburtons bread. Warburtons has been a well known company for years and there logo is easiely recognised so the company has felt like they dont have to show a huge loaf of bread to get there point across instead they have focused on promoting how the bread is made and the processes. In this advert they have concentrated on Photosynthesis and have tried to show how natural there bread is made. Warburtons have been very clever about this promotion because recently in the media there has been alot reported on weight issues in the UK and how we need to be more aware of what were eating and whats in are food.

I like this advert because it can be very sensitive as the company is Macmillan Cancer Support. In my opinion this advert asks a really strong question "Tired of putting on a brave face?" which can be a big weight off peoples shoulders that someone has acknoledged their feelings. I like the fact that some adverts can really effect peoples feelings and isnt just used to advertise.

This advert caught my eye because of the layout, i especially like the fact that the whole advert is on an angle and hasnt been created to a pacific neat and tidy brief. I also like the layout of the text its different and probably brakes alot of rules but i think it works well.

This advert is really clever i love how they have taken a model photograph and placed it on a illustration, the contrast looks amazing its like a whole new world.

This is the littlewoods advert. Its a women modelling a outfit with a stream of beautiful colours around her, this caught my eye simply because of the colours and the detail. The colourful stream behind her has nothing to do with the advert but makes it eyecatching which will help to sell the outfit it gives you a sense of fun in your life.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

love creative

student seeking advice‏
From: Vicky Smith (
Sent:17 March 2009 22:02:02

Hello Sarah,

Im currently a student at Stockport College studying BA Hons Design and Advertising and i have recently been given a brief to create a blog demonstrating a knowledge of the Design industry, which includes communicating with design companys and getting feedback.

I came across your design agency and enjoyed looking at the work you an your team have designed, i especially liked the Playstation brief and the idea behind it, the designs are eyecatching and interesting and i found them very fresh. I have been left very inspired by your website and some of the clients you have dealt with including Microsoft, SilverCross, Nando's and many more, which i can only imagine working with at this stage.

I look forward to hearing from you either by communication through email or if you could spare some time to meet that would be fantastic. ( )

Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely

vicky smith

Sunday, 1 March 2009

contact 999 design

01 March 2009 19:43:10

Hello Andy Helme,

i have recently viewed your companys website, which i was really impressed and influenced by especially with the design work you have produced for many big name clients. I especially liked the freeview project and the CBI project i found them both very eye catching and inspiring.

I am currently a student at Stockport College studying B A Hons Graphic Design and im currently doing a module on design companys and our aims is to contact companys through emails and physical contact to get a better understanding of the industry.

I would really like to get a better understanding of the industry through your company as i was really impressed and left in awe by the work you have produced.I look forward to hearing from you, thank you for your time

vicky smith

Stefan Sagmeister and DED Associates

Graphic Design for the 21st century, 2002, pages 56-57 and 156-157

Stefan Sagmeister

One designer that i find fascinating is Stefan Sagmeister and that's because of the piece he produced called Style = Fart. This particular piece was created on his body and was scratched into his skin.

Stefan Sagmeister states that he wants to create pieces that touch the viewers heart and that we see so many pieces that are professionally done and well executed and although these pieces are beautiful he states that the viewers are not being moved by the images and are not using there own imaginations.

Sagmeister wants us to remember a good piece of work an feel moved by it. His piece Style =Fart is defiantly a famous memorable piece that sets your imagination into over time making you ask yourself questions about it like i wonder if it hurt? what made him design a graphic piece in this way?.

DED Associates

Whilst researching i came across a company called DED Associates who's work i really enjoyed looking at. When researching into them further i found an interesting statement made by the the company "the evolution of Graphic Design is intrinsically linked to the evolution of tools by which we deliver those designs"(Graphic Design 21st century, 2002, page 56). This statement makes you realise how much the design industry has developed itself and how much designers rely on photographers and illustrators and multimedia as tools its also developed through computer based programmes such as photoshop and Indesign.

80's image

Todays image

When you look at the two designed pieces its very clear just how far we have come through developement since the 80's.