Monday, 23 February 2009

Buro Fur Form

"Good graphic design is the result of the endless search for beauty in things" (buro fur form ,graphic design for the 21st century, page 44)

I find this statement inspiring because as a good graphic designer you are always on the look out for bits of inspiring junk that you feel you can turn into something worth looking at. I have found that every designer i talk to or every lecture i attend they have scrap books with bits and pieces that they use for ideas or books that they find relate to them.

This particular designer Buro Fur Form bases alot of his work on small cut outs and scrap books to create his pieces. When i look at the work im amazed that he can create such mesmerizing pieces simply from scrap books that hes collected through the years it certainly inspires you to start your own collection.

Title- Demented Forever Series

Year- 2001

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