Monday, 22 March 2010
female Graphic Designers outnumbered?
Thank You for your response, I have a few questions:
1. Do you feel there is a larger ratio of men to women in the design industry?
2. How do you feel women are percieved in the design industry ?
3. What career challenges would you say women may incounter in the design industry?
4. Do you have any experiences that you may of come across in your time in the industry?
Many thanks for all your help i fully appreciate your time
Kind Regards
female Graphic Designers outnumbered?
From: | |||||
Sent: | 18 March 2010 16:34:13 | ||||
To: | vicky smith ( | ||||

Niki Cormack > Senior Account Manager > Cactus Creative > t 01539 822470 > f 01539 821291 > > River Mill, Staveley Mill Yard, Staveley, Kendal, Cumbria LA8 9LR
female Graphic Designers outnumbered?
From: | |||||
Sent: | 18 March 2010 16:30:46 | ||||
To: | vicky smith ( | ||||
I think graphic design is perceived as a mainly male job. Whenever I begin corresponding with someone new by email, they always presume I am male, even though my name can be for either sex. I also get a lot of mail for ‘Mr Alex Tedford’. We take on work experience students from Chester Uni & last year I told the WBL department twice that I am female, having received all their mail addressed to ‘Mr’. I got an apology letter off them, but again this year their correspondence is addressed to “Mr’.
As to whether there are actually more men, we actually get more females coming for work experience, but I have a suspicion that is because females are a little less workshy ;) !!
Kind Regards,
Alex Tedford

Awarded the prestigious Design Firms
award for Graphic Design 2006-2007
Third Floor, Redwither Tower, Wrexham. LL13 9XT
Tel: 01978 664458 Fax: 01978 660339 Web:
female Graphic Designers outnumbered?
From: | |||||
Sent: | 19 March 2010 20:05:54 | ||||
To: | |||||
I am in my final year of a BA Hons Design and Visual Arts course i can assure you i am a student who has been set this task by my lecturer and i feel it is purely based on design. I would also like to add that all three of my lecturers are male.
I have approached numerous Design Companies for feedback on the issue but feel that in some way you may of taken offence by the question raised, I am seeking opinions and experiences for research purposes only and welcome your feedback however under no circustances did i wish to couse offence
Thank You for your comments
female Graphic Designers outnumbered?
From: | |||||
Sent: | 18 March 2010 15:57:00 | ||||
To: | vicky smith ( | ||||
Your web link 1
‘More than half of the graphic designers in the U.S. are women, yet they are less likely to be invited to speak at conferences or to offer expert opinions to the media. Their award-winning work is seen everywhere, but with few exceptions, they are not celebrated in the same way as their male counterparts’.
This is Not about design... they are winning awards. So they are recognised. Maybe the woman that wrote it feels suppressed. Maybe her husband is a slob.
Your web link 2
So why is that? Why is it that females don’t seem to be as prominent in web design as they are in say fashion design? Is the graphic design industry sexist? How can we balance the sexes in the industry and do we need to?
Is this a question or a statement, It answers itself... But what a question though... Is the design industry sexist. Is Nursing??? Is the fashion industry.??? No, I think not.
Equality is here... Women designers are rcognised in their own right as brilliant. They don’t need suprssed equality rantings to get them recognised. Your teacher should rethink what year it is! Pathetic.
Thursday, 18 March 2010
female Graphic Designers outnumbered?
Female Graphic Designers outnumbered?
From: | |||||
Sent: | 18 March 2010 11:29:39 | ||||
To: | vicky smith ( | ||||
Hi Vicky,
I’m confused... ‘Out Numbered’ ... Strange terminology. Surely it’s open for both men and women to choose their career paths. Out Numbered implies there’s a dispute between men and women in the design industry... or is this your opinion only?
Would you want to see and equal standing of both men and women in the design industry? Maybe you could also head count the number of male nurses against female nurses, and ask ‘Are they Out Numbered’? or are they simply making career choices.
My point is... where are you going with this?
Female Graphic Designers outnumbered?
From: vicky smith []
Sent: 18 March 2010 10:31
Subject: 2 minutes of your time
Hi ,
I am a student in my final year writing a issues and practices essay. My issue i am looking at is
" are female graphic designers out numbered by men in the work place?"
In order to get an accurate and fair write up i would like to hear from people in the industry both male and female of any experiences they might of come across or simply what there own opinions are.
Thank You for taking the time to read this and i look forward to your response.
Many thanks
Vicky Smith