Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Gill Blease

Gill Blease took a MMU foundation course then went on to do a fine art degree in Newcastle and was always encouraged by her fellow students and teachers at school this for her was the beginning. It took Gill 10-15 years to get to where she is now, which is a well established Illustrator and fine arts women. Gill also went to London after she completed her Newcastle course but found it a struggle and finally admitted defeat, where she then went to Japan she said she felt this helped her with design because the culture was a big influence.

Gill's main influences are-

  • Japan
  • Goya
  • Paul Rand
  • Graphic Design

Gill Blease explained to us how she collects images of everything and then collages them to create something new and spectacular, she explained that collecting things as simple as colour samples, cartoons, drawings, wrapping paper etc can help your imagination.

Gill felt that her learning really began when she got a job and actually started producing pieces, She has produced many pieces for Whitworth Gallery, Elle Magazine, Guardian and many more. She was very disappointed with Waitrose as they decided not to use her piece that she felt she had really captured what they were looking for but Waitrose felt that people would get it.

One thing about Gill is that she loves white space, which absolutely terrifies me she couldn't stress enough how happy it makes her as she feels her work sits better with white space and helps viewers. Gill prefers freelance to working for design companies and works from home. She has a website, which she says is crucial for self promotion although she feels she doesn't have to promote a great deal due to all the work she has already.

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